Boy have we got stuff going on this fall! With our Anniversary Party celebration officially wound down, we are on to the next season. Fall is in the air (some days, anyway) and with it all our talented supporters are back with new creative and thought provoking things to do in our Listening Room. For those of you who are new to this Newsletter, the Listening room hosts wonderful bands every Friday night. We also have lots of other activities in that room. Here is info about what's coming up: 9/29/17, Friday, 7:00pm: The Shufflers in Concert Sample their music by clicking link below: The Shufflers concert 9/29/17 10/2/17, Monday, 6:00pm Self Love and Affirmation with Tamika Brown 10/6/17, Friday, 7:00pm ,Concert with Kelly Zullo Sample Kelly's music here: Kelly Zullo live 10/9/17, Monday, Readers Theater  Each month coordinator/director Dorothy Paige-Turner introduces audiences to a minimum of ten very celebrated playwrights through the talents of Jenniel Wright, David Causey, George Davis, Richard Meeks, Carl Towns, Carla Towns, Coleen Martin Williams, Jackie Tenard, Climmie Durr, and Elbert James. Vocal music connects the monologues and scenes and allows audience members to sing along. The performances are free. However, donations to the actors are appreciated. 10/12/17, Thursday, Painting Party Join Karla Lombardo and create this lovely fall pumpkin. $35 covered all the materials, professional instruction and fun. Please call or stop into Just Goods to pay and register. Last but never least, some beautiful new inventory: Kenyan Dancing Ladies Kenyan Skeleton Giraffe Be True Necklace and Earrings written in Hindi, reminding you to be true in all you say and do   |