Grassroots Democracy - Going door to door is an exercise in democracy

Going door to door is an exercise in democracy
by David Soll

For the last month I have been doing everything expected of me in my “write in” campaign for Alderman of Ward 2 of Loves Park. Knocking on door, placing lawn signs, talking to people every chance I get, and appearing at the one and only candidates forum available.

I have met so many good and wonderful people, each with their own story to tell. I had four people on Anna St tell me they had been living in their homes from between twenty one and thirty seven years and I was the very first wannabe alderman to knock on their door. Every person I spoke to on Anna St, one of the very first things out of their mouths once I introduced myself as a candidate for city council was “What will you do about my street?”...

Read the full story at David's blog at: